Seminario di Logica e Filosofia della Scienza

Organizzazione Unità di ricerca LOG-LAB



Venerdì 31 maggio 2024, ore 11.00
Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
via della Pergola 60 - Firenze
Sala Altana


Klaus Mainzer (Technische Universität, München)

From Computing to AI. Logical, Mathematical, Technical, and Philosophical Foundations


Abstract: Technical-practical limits of today's computers and AI depend on the theoretical foundation of digital computability. On the basis of digital computability, AI was initially oriented towards the logical reasoning of symbolic logic. Statistical learning from big data led  to machine learning, which dominates the techno-economic breakthroughs of AI today. Some limits of digital computability, decidability and solvability of problems can be theoretically overcome beyond Turing computability. Novel analog computer architectures oriented towards the human brain enable their technical- practical realization. An extension to hybrid AI is requested for, combining digital, analog and quantum computing in neuromorphic computing structures. These tendencies of research and innovation demonstrate that we need more integrated research in the foundations of logic, mathematics, physics, engineering sciences, cognitive science, and philosophy. 


References: K. Mainzer, The Digital and the Real World. Computational Foundations of Mathematics, Science, Technology, and Philosophy, World Scientific Singapore 2018; K. Mainzer, Artificial Intelligence. When do Machines take over? Springer: Berlin 2nd edition 2019 (Chinese: Tsinghua University Press: Beijing 2022); K. Mainzer, R. Kahle, Limits of AI – theoretical, practical, ethical, Springer: Berlin 2024 (German: Springer: Berlin 2022); K. Mainzer, P. Schuster, H. Schwichtenberg (eds.), Proof and Computation I-II, World Scientific  Singapore 2018-2022.


L'incontro si svolge sia in presenza che online.

Info: riccardo.bruni(AT)


→ locandina


Venerdì 24 maggio 2024, ore 11.00
Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
via della Pergola 60 - Firenze
Sala Altana


Helmut Schwichtenberg (LMU, Muenchen)

A theory of computable functionals


Abstract: We work in a constructive extension of classical logic, where in addition to the classical existential quantifier (not -- forall -- not) we have a constructive one which requires an example.  In this setting we sketch a theory of computable functionals (TCF) which extends Heyting's arithmetic in all simple types.  TCF includes Kreisel's (modified) realizability predicates and has invariance axioms stating that ''to assert is to realize'' (Feferman 1978) for realizability-free formulas.  Using these TCF proves a soundness theorem: the term extracted from a realizability-free proof of A is a realizer of A.  We conclude with some examples in constructive analysis implemented in the Minlog proof assistant.


→ locandina


Mercoledì 15 maggio 2024 ore 10.00
Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
via della Pergola 60 - Firenze
Sala Altana


Leonardo Ceragioli (Università di Pisa)

Semantic Pollution for Modal and Classical Logic


Abstract: According to Negri, the old problem of finding good proof-systems for modal logics can be partially solved if labeled sequent calculi are accepted. However, these systems are sometimes considered inferentially unacceptable because polluted by their reference to Kripke’s frames. The status of implicitly polluted systems like Poggiolesi’s tree-hypersequents is another open issue in this debate. I will evaluate both explicit and implicit criteria of semantic pollution, and conclude that we need a different characterization of this notion, one not directly connected with the existence of isomorphisms between proof-systems and semantic structures. I will then make a proposal by comparing different formulations of classical sequent calculi.


Giuliano Rosella (Università di Torino)

New Frontiers in Counterfactuals


Abstract: Counterfactuals, statements like "if A were true, then B would be true," are central to many fields, including artificial intelligence, where they help explain cause-and-effect relationships. Hence, developing a framework for reasoning about counterfactuals is crucial. Traditionally, Lewis and Stalnaker semantics have been seen as competing theories for understanding counterfactuals; they both define a counterfactual "If A were the case then B would be the case" as true if B holds in the closest world to ours where A is true. However, depending on the specification of the similarity measure, Stalnaker's theory validates some logical principles that Lewis' does not.
This work challenges the traditional view and proposes a different perspective, arguing that Lewis and Stalnaker's theories are complementary and can be unified within a more expressive framework. We show that Lewis's similarity-based account can be seen as a special case arising from a deeper Kripke-Stalnaker-style semantics. By interpreting Lewis counterfactuals as a modality of Stalnaker conditionals, we achieve a unified theory. This has significant philosophical implications, suggesting a new interpretation of Lewis counterfactuals and potentially revealing misleading aspects of current conditional logics.
We then explore the ramifications for quantifying uncertainty in counterfactuals and their probability, a major open question in the current literature. We demonstrate that their uncertainty follows a non-standard measure based on Dempster-Shafer theory.


(this works is based on joint papers with Tommaso Flaminio and Stefano Bonzio, and Jan Sprenger)


→ locandina


Mercoledì 20 marzo 2024 ore 11.00
Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
via della Pergola 60 - Firenze
Sala Altana


Gerhard Jaeger (University of Bern)

Gentzen in the 3- and 4-Valued Jungle


Abstract: Starting point is the well known sequent calculus LK for classical propositional logic à la Gentzen. From that we move on to weak and strong 3-valued Schütte valuations and relate them to structural properties of LK. It is then a natural step to look at Kleene’s approach to 3-valued logic. Two central parts of my talk deal with syntactic properties of Kleene’s 3-valued logic and Belnap’s 4-valued logic and sound and complete sequent calculi for both. Belnap’s 4-valued logic is then used as a basis for a formal approach to the Catuskoti, an important principle of reasoning in Indian logic and theology. We end our talk with presenting a corresponding formal framework that also incorporated some ideas due to Graham Priest.


→ locandina


Venerdì 15 marzo 2024 ore 11.00
Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
via della Pergola 60 - Firenze
Sala Altana


Volker Halbach (University of Oxford)

Classical Determinate Truth


Abstract: I present an axiomatic theory of truth formulated in classical logic. It is type-free in the sense that its truth predicate can meaningfully applied to sentences containing that very truth predicate. The truth theory serves the purposes of truth predicate in philosophy well. Philosophers have too much focused on the T-sentences or disquotation sentences. My starting point are the compositional clauses, principles like 'a conjunction is true iff both conjuncts are or 'the negation of a sentence is true iff the sentence itself is not'. These general claims are for many purposes more important than disquotational axioms. Unlike the disquotation sentences, they are also consistent, when stated without any restrictions. On top of the compositional clauses I add disquotational principles and arrive at a theory CD, which is introduced and analyzed by Kentaro Fujimoto and me in the paper.


→ locandina


Venerdì 1 marzo 2024 ore 11:00
Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
via della Pergola 60 - Firenze
Sala Altana
RETTIFICA - a causa di un problema logistico il seminario sarà tenuto a distanza.


Paul Gorbow (University of Stockholm and University of Oslo)

Dynamic Structures -- a Modal Explanation of Certain Refinement Processes in Mathematics


Abstract: The iterative conception of the natural numbers has been given a modal potentialist explanation by Linnebo and Shapiro. The universe of natural numbers is given as a potentialist structure, i.e. a possible worlds model, P, where each world is an initial segment of the standard model, N, of the natural numbers, and the accessibility relation is given by the substructure relation. The so-called Mirroring theorem establishes a correspondence to the effect that a formula holds in N iff its full modalization holds in P. Any fully modalized formula A is stable in P, meaning that A→□A. However, the richer modal language of P has many unstable formulas, e.g. "x is the largest number". The modal potentialist is committed to that at any stage of the process there is a maximal actualized number. I introduce the notion of dynamic numbers to track such entities. E.g. letting max by the dynamic maximal number, we obtain:
• □"max is maximal"
• □(◊"max is even" ∧ ◊"max is odd")
• For each standard n: ◊□(n < max).


Although not in the range of the Mirroring theorem, these truths in P bring forth characteristics of modal potentialism. Generalizing the above, I introduce the notion of dynamic structures. These include:
• Potentialist structures corresponding to standard models.
• Structures corresponding to models constructed as ultrapowers. 


Dynamic structures have the following theoretical virtues:
• They explain the properties of the corresponding mathematical structures.
• They are ontologically advantageous compared to the corresponding mathematical structures.
• They are free from the arbitrary choices of the corresponding mathematical structures.
• They are often recursive, even when the corresponding mathematical structure is not.


As for applications, philosophical explanations emerge for the following entities:
• "Benign" non-standard numbers.
• The class of truths in the revision semantics of the truth predicate.


→ locandina


Martedì 27 febbraio 2024 ore 11:00
Plesso didattico Capponi, via Capponi 9 - Firenze
Aula 6


Josè Ferreiros (Universidad de Sevilla)

Conceptual Structuralism


Abstract: In this talk, I defend a conceptualistic version of structuralism as the most convincing way of elaborating a philosophical understanding of structuralism in line with the classical tradition. The argument begins with a revision of the tradition of “conceptual mathematics”, incarnated in key figures of the period 1850 to 1940 like Riemann, Dedekind, Hilbert or Noether, showing how it led to a structuralist methodology. Then the tension between the ‘presuppositionless’ approach of those authors, and the platonism of some recent versions of philosophical structuralism, is presented. In order to resolve this tension, we argue for the idea of ‘logical objects’ as a form of minimalist realism, again in the tradition of classical authors including Peirce and Cassirer, and we introduce the basic tenets of conceptual structuralism. The remainder of the talk is devoted to an open discussion of the assumptions behind conceptual structuralism, and—most importantly—an argument to show how the objectivity of mathematics  can be explained from the adopted standpoint. This includes the idea that advanced mathematics builds on hypothetical assumptions (Riemann, Peirce, and others), which is presented and discussed in some detail. Finally, the ensuing notion of objectivity is interpreted as a form of particularly robust intersubjectivity, and it is distinguished from fictional or social ontology.


→ locandina

Venerdì 23 febbraio 2024 ore 11:00
Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
via della Pergola 60 - Firenze
Sala Altana


Casey McCoy (Yonsei University)

Pursuitworthiness and Epistemic Justification of Scientific Theories


Abstract: Much of modern philosophy of science with an epistemological orientation has focused on questions of justification, following on from the classic distinction between the context of discovery and the context of justification. Lately, Laudan's idea of a context of pursuit has been revived as a means of deflating certain justificatory accounts centered on justification, such as inference to the best explanation and meta-empirical confirmation. In this paper, we criticize such efforts to decouple assessments of pursuitworthiness from epistemic assessments, and argue for two main points: that assessing the viability of a theory is essential to assessing its pursuitworthiness, and that pursuitworthiness assessments are worthwhile only to the extent that pursuitworthy theories tend to be epistemically successful.


→ locandina


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